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Welcome to The Thobe Project

Teaching & inspiring individuals to reclaim the Palestinian tradition of thobe-making

See examples of student work from The Thobe Project below, and more on the registration page for each course.

Home: Welcome

What We Do

The Thobe Project is not about a revival of an ancestral practice. Palestinian embroidery has long been kept alive, but has also not been untouched by unjust circumstances as is true for many ancestral practices across the globe. Rather, this project is about relearning and reclaiming many of the aspects of Palestinian embroidery and textile practices that are now more difficult to learn simply because of how removed many of us have become from the daily practice of these traditions due to circumstances beyond our control. This experience is designed to empower practitioners with the skills and confidence to fully cut, embroider, and assemble their own thobe utilizing historical techniques. With this aim, more Palestinian families in the diaspora and exile will begin reclaiming these traditions so they can be newly passed on to future generations and carried back with us to a liberated Palestine.

In service of learning & participant experience, class sizes are small - sign up quickly to reserve a spot in an upcoming course.

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